
How to win Child Custody

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How to win child custody ?

Parents who desire to win child custody in the court should first understand the child custody laws in their jurisdiction. The key to win child custody is proving that you are the better parent, because the single objective of the court is the best interest of the child. So here are few tips which will help you:

The “Better Parent” Standard

Almost every parent goes into the child custody hearing with the single mission of seeking the custody of their child. There may be various reasons for which a parent desires the child’s custody. But the only thing apparent is the court has established very high standards for a better parent. It is always hard to decide which parent is better as both the parents were involved in nurturing the kid till now.

One of the core things judges look while allotting the child’s custody is that the parents should not be trashing one another during the heading. Instead, the parents should focus on proving that he or she is a better parent than the other applicant.

How to prove that you’re the better parent?

There are some decisive points that may prove that you’re the better parent and you can take care of the child more appropriately.

  1. The physical health of the child: the one who is more concerned about the health of the child always happens to be the first choice of the court. You must prove that you can take better care of the child’s routine, sleeping & eating schedule, and after-school activities.
  2. The psychological health of the child: judges prefer allotting the custody of the child to the parent who allows the child to freely meet the other parent.

Joint Custody

Sometimes neither parent can win the child custody. This happens when the court fails to determine that which parent is ideal for the child. In such case, the court may allow custody to both the parents. It can be scheduled for a particular time. The child remains with his mother for few months and then goes to his father for next few months. Alternatively, the court may order both the parents to equally share the responsibility of the child.

Parenting Plans

In case the court grants a joint custody, both the parents need to present a written “parenting plan” which clearly establishes the responsibilities and schedule of both the parents. What court looks for here is the benefit of the child.

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