
Filing For Bankruptcy Due To Financial Difficulties

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Should i File bankruptcy

Should you file bankruptcy or not ? Send your case to bankruptcy lawyers for free consultation, Our online pool of lawyers helped many ( look below ) and help you to find you bankruptcy lawyer.

This is my last alternative. I need to file for bankruptcy, but I cant afford it. I have no job or income, so I need help to fill out and file the necessary forms. Can you help?Thank You

The company express has tried to steal the money from my bank account constantly. My bank was smart enough not to allow them to cash out money, but now bank of America has charged me $70 and i have to pay it with my own money but i am in debt and i want to know what i can do and how to handle this. What are my rights.

I need to talk to an  attorney. I have so many problems .  Please i need help. It is better we talk on the phone.Thank you

i co-signed for my mom for a van in 2010 and at that time i was helping her pay for it.  my income has decreased and she is unable to pay for it. I need to file a chapter 7 I have filed before back in 2008.

My home is in foreclosure and up for sale on 5/15/12. trying to save home and/or file chapter 13. filed chapter 7 two years ago. I am disabled and in need of legal aid.

I am a single mother and make less than 30,000.00 per year  (And was unemployed from 08-10) and have had some financial hardship, i became involved with a few payday loan companies, fell behind and then had my pays were short hours due to illness. The stress of the constant harrassment is effecting me mentally physically and emotionally. I need guidence in what my options are and if there are any services available to me. I work 40-50 hrs a week and am not able to generate enough income to afford a lawyer or pay off this debt

After I was defrauded on a predatory refi with a 8.875 variable I hoped to get a Modification but ended up with more problems ….foreclosure and credit cards and lost also my job.I was trying now to get it out of foreclosure but I realized that my credit cards I will not be able to deal with and would like to file for bankruptcy ( I never did ). I am 75 yrs old ,had 3 heart attacks and a stroke and have a problem to deal with so many attacks from so many sides.I am not good at the computer and also need to look for a job again which takes  lot of my time and energy. I need advise and help.

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