Every state in US has the unique Rent Control Acts and this is to be protected in the right manner surely. There should indeed be a valid reason behind everything and the landlords cannot actually evict tenants without any rhyme or reason. There are indeed some cases in which the landlords can recover the possession of their house or apartment.

If you have let a house to a particular tenant and the tenant in turn has sublets, then you have the right to instruct the tenant to vacate the house by giving him a prior notice. As per the US law, the tenant does not have any right to sublet your house to any third party.

The tenant can be evicted by the landlord if the tenant has not paid two consecutive months’ of rent within the due date. The law permits the landlord to evict the tenant by giving a short notice if there is a continuous irregularity of payment.

The landlord can also evict the tenant if the tenant has misused the property under any circumstances. Any kind of damage to the property is not at all tolerated and if this happens, then the landlord has got the full right to evict the tenant.

If the tenant is not staying himself or with his family for a continuous period of six months, the landlord has the right to evict the tenant any time without any notice. There may be a lot of the suspicions which can be involved in such a case and thus the landlord has the full right to leave the house without any delay.

It happens many a times that the landlord is in need of the space for himself. In such cases, the landlord has the full right to instruct the tenant to vacate the property and this leads to the eviction of the tenant.

Also there are many times when the landlord is in need to renovate the rented property. In such circumstances, the landlord has the full right to evict the tenant and start the work of the renovation. The renovation may be very crucial for the maintenance purposes and thus the landlord can evict the tenant by giving a very short notice.

There are many times, when the tenant misuse and damage the property and the surroundings which are not at all tolerable. In such cases, the landlord may demand a penalty from the tenant and also can evict the tenant.

If you are facing a similar problem and need more information, leave your contact details here and a qualified legal professional may come at your assistance at the earliest.

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