
Fight To Get Full Child Support

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Want to apply for Child support, submit your case details and get legal aid for child support see below some of our successful cases.


The father of my kids took temp custody with an emergency ex parte motion. I want full custody of my kids back. I have taken care of them since they were born. Father owes 30,000 back child support

Chester county told me to get my own paternity test, son is 14 now.  mother is back with man she was with when I met her.  this was my reason for getting test, because he looks just like him.  paternity says 0 percent chance I am father, need help. she is frauding me

I have total custody of my child and the absent parent is in jail for child endangerment and alcohol drug use until Feb 2015. He is 12K in arrears to me. The magistrate in our last hearing suggested I seek legal services for felony charges. I need legal aide for this case.

My ex husband has custody of our child and is seeing for child support. And I can not afford legal counsel

About a year ago I had a divorce, went through court for my daughters and had to sign papers I did not understand. I looked for free help in the state but was not helped. I have been treaten by my ex and his family. I had to leave the state. Ive received a letter stating I had to pay child support. To which I dont understand how this was when there father said we were not going to ask eachother for support. I would like all this to end, to were I donhave to pay him or fight to get full custody of my three girls.

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